Varicose veins: the photo, the first phase of the, causes and treatment

Varicose veins feet – one of the most serious woes of the XXI century. A sedentary way of life, the eternal rush, the lack of reaction to the signals of the body causing serious health problems.

Varicose disease (or-outdoor varicose veins varicose veins) – this is bloating under the skin of the peripheral veins for the reason of stagnation of the blood. Swollen blood vessels become dark blue, then purple. Later, there are sores, blood clot, people plagued by strong pains in the legs. How to deal with the scourge? Let ' s deal with.

What is varicose veins

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Vascular pathology is known for thousands of years. Even ancient egyptian texts contain mention of is an insidious disease. The disease develops when the wrong blood circulation in the peripheral vessels.

Medical aspects of the disease:

  • when congenital weakness of the veins and the walls under the influence of harmful factors of the tabs, to push the blood, no longer functioning;
  • blood outflow is disturbed, the formation of the blood clots, the blood clot, the rise of venous blood pressure;
  • too blood is not the time to go through the gaps accumulate, stretched vessels;
  • the exterior walls move up to the surface closer to the epidermis, because of this they are well noticeable under the skin;
  • what more clot and infected area, the more obstacles the normal flow of blood;
  • the vienna "turned up", lose their normal appearance. The later blood vessels are similar with blue or dark - purple thick rope.

The most commonly a vein swell on the feet for the reason of high load on them and the smallest mobility, as "sedentary" or "stand" in the work. Varicose veins affect people of different social position.

Many believe this pathology to a professional disease. The risk of earning bloating peripheral veins:

  • hairdressers;
  • the staff is the IT-scope;
  • vendors;
  • army;
  • the drivers and others.

The causes of the

After several studies, researchers have found the factors, provoking the swelling of the veins, poor blood circulation, the appearance of the soreness, heaviness, weakness in the legs.

photo-varicose veins

The primary reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • overweight;
  • heredity. The parents were weak vein? The probability to fall ill is the same pathology in children is up to 70%;
  • congenital connective tissue weakness;
  • tightening the rubber socks or stockings.

Other factors that cause venous stagnation:

  • long-term work with the computer;
  • the lack of movement;
  • the habit to sit, throwing the leg to the foot;
  • need to do for a long time "on the feet";
  • hormonal imbalance. The biggest danger lurks for a woman in pregnancy, after the menopause;
  • high heels. Continuous use a stiletto on the publication of the serious pressure the veins;
  • scintillating lifting, moving, heavy lifting;
  • wrong diet, excessive heavy, fatty food, lack of vegetables.

The first signs and symptoms

Away varicose veins just enough. It is important to only listen to the signals that all tahtekindlamad sends to the body. Incorrect lifestyle, do not want to dedicate yourself a bit of time the disease develops quickly enough.

Often affects the veins:

  • feet;
  • rectum;
  • in a small bowl.

Much more rarely, to swell veins:

  • esophagus;
  • the seed of the umbilical cord.

The main symptoms of varicose veins:

  • painful feeling of heaviness in the legs, swelling of the end of the day;
  • burning sensation, the heat, filling the vein;
  • gradually unpleasant sensations appear not only after a busy day or a heavy physical exertion;
  • at night people tormented by leg cramps;
  • sometimes the signs of varicose veins appear just under the knees or behind the surface of the feet;
  • from time to time there are "blunt" the pain, the inexplicable difficulty, by touching the skin causing soreness;
  • the blood vessels are expanding gradually darker, clearly appear under the skin;
  • arise from "vascular stars", vienna, thicken, bend, they are easy to feel;
  • puffiness applies the ankle, the lower part of the shins, sometimes swell even feet;
  • after the walks the man soon tired feet, "buzzing", is to feel muscle weakness.

Important! Characteristics of early stage of varicose veins much. Why do people brake on a visit to the doctor? One does not have enough money for his treatment, the second time, the third desire. Sometimes it is combined with all the factors.

None of the treatment causing the disease progression:

  • skin coatings, which is located in the region of the leg darker make tighter;
  • if difficult to form the opening to the long healing ulcers;
  • worse food the skin, the skin becomes drier, sink.

The stage of aggravation:

  • unbearable achy feet times of the day;
  • general weakness;
  • the temperature raising;
  • from time to time when a break in the veins of the plexus or open the bleeding. This phenomenon occurs more frequently at night.

Possible complications

What if a careless reference to the treatment and prevention of varicose veins of the peripheral vascular -? The extended cases are caused by a lot of suffering patients. Develop serious complications.

The most dangerous variant – the inability of normal blood flow, the development is gangrene, limb amputation (him). Think!

Frequent complications are:

  • thrombophlebitis in the acute stage;
  • phlebothrombosis;
  • trophic ulcer;
  • bleeding damaged the top.

Common recommendations and rules, the treatment of

How to treat varicose veins? The success of the treatment depends on the patient's relationship to the recommendations of the doctor. Without the help of an experienced phlebologist can't. This is a fairly rare specialty, try to find a good doctor.

Set up a long-term treatment. Ago veins health more difficult, than to remove the manifestations are varicose disease.

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Remember the main rules:

  • to pass more. Combat venous stagnation contributes to the morning gymnastics, walking, cycling, swimming;
  • try to shed those extra pounds;
  • avoid heavy physical loads, vigorous exercises, running, jumping;
  • if in the initial stage of wear of compression stockings, special elastic bandages;
  • often let us rest your feet by raising your feet using low cushions;
  • is great, "distributed" blood is easy to use. Lying on your back, bend your knees, lead to ride a bike in a minute-two.

Important! A change of diet. Healthy blood vessels, who eats vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits, dairy products, bread, flour meal, drink enough fluid. Oily, salted, smoked food, the abundance of muffin, cheap pasta reduces vascular tone, increases the risk of thrombosis.

Listen also to these tips:

  • long-term stays on the feet, where possible " take a seat. Before work starts, during a break in heel of feet refreshing gel, ointments against varicose disease. Medications to remove the inevitable swelling, improve blood circulation;
  • if the specialty that is related to the work at the computer or driving vehicles, every hour, rise up, go around the room round. If possible, frequently out of the car. So you are to keep not only varicose veins but hemorrhoids;
  • remember, to spend the entire day, standing, yes, even shoes-heeled shoes – a very harmful. If the work suits you, be sure to arrange a holiday for your feet. Clear at least 10 minutes to studs, sit or walk barefoot. Otherwise, the welfare turn ugly veins with the disease, the need is to completely forget the beautiful shoes and heels;
  • during pregnancy wear a special bandage, reduction of pressure and cardiovascular. A doctor's recommendation to wear special elastic stockings to reduce venous stagnation.
injection--varicose veins

Folk and recipes

Initially varicose disease successfully treated homemade ointments, compresses, lotions, otherwise natural products and herbs. This is the most important desire of the patient, in the correct times.

Treatment of varicose veins of the human resources in domestic conditions. Proven recipes:

  • the foot bath. Lift tired after a hard day, to reduce swelling, helps to adding the water sea salt, a decoction of chamomile, mint, succession, yarrow. Toning blood vessels a few drops of geranium essential oil, lemon, mint, rosemary. Procedure duration is 30 minutes. The water should be warm, closer to the cool;
  • compresses well also warm sage, yarrow, chamomile, marigold, mint. All of the herbs, take 1 tbsp. l., pour 1.5 l of boiling water. Insist 40 minutes, strain. Wet gauze, add tired feet. Change compresses 2-3 times to dry the fluid;
  • tincture of violet flowers, and chestnut. Collect fresh color, put a liter jar 2 tablespoons for every kinds of raw materials, pour a good vodka. Leave 2 weeks in the dark. Every day, couple times a day wipe the feet of the healing tincture;
  • tomato from varicose veins. If the juicy meat of the tomatoes is the substance lycopene, strengthens the blood vessels. Loop the tomatoes, minced meat, put a lot of gauze, wrap the sore foot. Hold for a couple of hours, not less. The easiest way: cut the tomato, wipe half feet from top to bottom. Well treated varikoossed nodes. Later half an hour – an hour, you will feel relieved;
  • the apple-infusion. Need a variety is the "antonovka". Cut four large apples, pour the liter of boiling water, wrap in a pan. Through the 4-hour infusion is ready. To crush the fruit. In the morning and in the evening eat 1/3 cup of infusion with a teaspoon of honey.

Modern treatment

Moderate and advanced cases are treated using the latest techniques. Effective:

  • microflebractomy (damaged vein will be deleted through punctures the skin cover);
  • sclerotherapy (the diseased blood vessels are treated with the use of special drugs);
  • laser treatment (to delete the damaged areas and treatment of varicose veins of the laser);
  • thermocoagulation (the procedure is removed from the enlarged veresoontega) were met.

Preventive recommendations

Doctors recommendations:

  • long time did not sit or did not stand for the entire working day;
  • periodically " take a seat, or, on the contrary, stand up and go;
  • remember the powered;
  • check the weight;
  • not carry the constantly high heels;
  • whenever possible, choose the degree of difficulty;
  • strengthen blood vessel elasticity, moderate physical activity, veeprotseduure;
  • take a vitamin preparations;
  • if the fatigue of the feet every night for tea toning bath with useful substances;
  • clean the blood using the natural composition.
laser treatment